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Chinatown Staging

Does photographic representation in New York’s Chinatowns continue to perpetuate visual stereotypes of contemporary Chinese culture?

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Alien Detention Across the Americas

In the United States, federal detention of immigrants began in the early 1880s to enforce the government’s first national immigration laws against Chinese laborers and people with contagious diseases and mental illnesses. Today, almost half a million aliens are detained each year in the United States, making up the fastest growing part of the prison population.

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Procedures For Saying No: Interrogating the Authorial Voice in Devised Performance

In the summer of 2016, Rebecca Lingafelter teamed up with students Rosemary Lambert and Sophie Swenson to collaborate with nationally recognized playwright Robert Camp and Portland Experimental Theatre to develop and produce a new piece of devised theatre, Procedures For Saying No, that investigated the role of the playwright in devised theatre and contemporary performance.

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